27 October 2009

What does CARBON have to do with it?

All this talk about the greenhouse effect and climate change, but what does carbon have to do with it?

When the sun heats the earth, the atmosphere naturally retains some of the heat while the rest escapes back into space. GHG's (Green House Gases), such as carbon dioxide (CO2), help capture this heat so as carbon and other GHG's systematically increase in the atmosphere, the amount of heat in the atmosphere systematically increases as well.

Human activities have enhanced this process by emitting a tremendous amount of GHG's from burning fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas and oil to power our cars and buildings. Cutting down trees (the most efficient cabon sinks in nature), generating waste and farming also produce GHG's.

As a result, the earths average temperature has increased causing more frequent natural catastrophies and subjecting the earths natural cycles to imbalance. For thousands of years, carbon has naturally cycled through the atmosphere. Today the levels of CO2 are quickly approaching 400ppm whereas scientsists agree that the safe upper limit of CO2 in the atmosphere is 350ppm.

Now if only a global climate treaty would recognize this number...then nations would have a common goal and local governments could start forging policies and standards to ensure a safer climate future!

1 comment:

  1. what does CO2 emiisions have to do with sustainability of a company that provides jobs and income for people, who without food or shelter wouldn't have to worry about global warming anyway.
