19 October 2010

Plastic Water Bottles

"Last year the earth used enough water bottles to stretch across the earth 190 times"...according to a Brita commercial. THIS IS STAGGERING! Please buy a stainless steel, BPA-free, re-usable water bottle and STOP contributing to this scary statistic!

17 October 2010

No More Styrofoam

Are mushrooms the new plastic? This is breakthrough for material innovation, watch this TED talks and learn more.

Image Credit: http://wallpapers.free-review.net/

09 October 2010

Imagine an Ocean Without Fish

Image Credit : Greenpeace
 The ocean is so vast and unexperienced by most of us that we assume life below the surface is thriving. This is not the case, as described in The End of the Line. This documentary brings to light the reality of the ocean, and it is not a pretty picture for ocean ecosystems and human consumption of seafood.

With population growth and increased technology we have managed to fish certain species to near extinction while disrupting the natural underwater system beyond belief, with no sign of slowing.

If you eay anything out of the sea, please watch this film and make informed decisions before ordering seafood off the menu.

04 October 2010

Toxic Nation

We are exposed to chemicals every day in the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe and the products we buy. Chemicals act as toxins in our bodies, they are everywhere because WE created them and there is no where for them to go. Nature does not naturally produce toxins and consequently is not able to cycle through them - the more chemicals we produce, the more accumulate, and the affects in nature and humans become more severe.

We live in a Toxic Nation. Your body is full of chemicals, learn how to live a healthier, toxic-free (or toxic-less) life style:

BodyBurden (Industrial chemicals building up in our bodies)
Cosmetic Database (Toxic chemicals in personal care products and cosmetics)
EWG Sunscreen Guide (Toxic chemicals in sunscreen)

Image: http://www.toxicnation.ca/