14 October 2009

Nuclear...the Necessary Evil?

NO! I recently read the article The Necessary Evil of Nuclear Power which prompted me to delve into the topic further. This article suggests that nuclear power is a huge part of our green energy future...simply because it is a low emission alternative to fossil fuels, unlike coal and natural gas power plants which emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, contributing to climate change. This perspective seems a bit one-sided to me. Granted, carbon is the talk of the time and an issue to be addressed, it is certainly not the only criteria for green energy.

We need to take a whole systems perspective on the matter and analyze the process from beginning to end. In looking at nuclear in this way, it becomes grossly apparent that this is NOT a viable long term solution.

Uranium, the source of energy for nuclear power, is a scarce natural resource. This metallic chemical occurs naturally in low concentrations but when it is mined to a large degree higher concentrations are brought to the earth's surface, at rates faster than nature can cycle through it. Therefore, the concentration of urnaium builds up over time essentially as toxins to our earth.

Not to be overlooked are health concerns, afterall, uranium is radioactive. Perhaps it is only weakly radioactive at best but when in high concentrations this becomes a concern. Ever wonder why workers in nuclear power plants wear safety gear and have higher rates of cancer....hmmmm

And, the biproduct of this so called green process is plutonium, highly radioactive waste that has no use other than for nuclear bombs!

For a more well rounded perspective of this subject refer to this article:Time for Change

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