13 December 2009

CAP-and-TRADE, is it the way to go?

A Cap-and-Trade program to reduce carbon emissions has been in discussion for many years, and even after the Kyoto Protocol it is still not in place. Simply put, this is a program of 'emissions trading' in which governments set an upper limit on emission permits and allow businesses and other organizations to purchase and trade the permits. Through time, the upper limit is lowered with the long term goal of cutting emissions.

So is cap-and-trade the way to go...I'm not so sure. Essentially, it allows developed countries to purchase emissions credits from developing countries, and as a result, the biggest polluters continue business as usual.

Rather than continuing down this dim path, perhaps we should address the root of the problem and incentivize innovation.

Here is an interesting article that goes further into this discussion.

Image Credit:http://nicedeb.wordpress.com/2009/06/26/kansas-city-cap-and-tax-protest/

11 December 2009

The Natural Step...what is it?

Looking for a framework to help you, your business, your university, your community move toward sustainability? Watch this video and find out more about The Natural Step.

Image Credit: http://www.naturalstep.org/

02 December 2009

COMPOST for a good cause

Things that I miss about living in Sweden...the Batlic Sea, my stylish commuter bike, the convenient train system, endless hours of dayight in the summer....and....composting!

Image Credit: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/swfa/compost/graphics.html

The Swedes have it easy, they are provided with biodegradable paper bags that they simply fill with food waste and throw into a 'recycle' bin where the city collects it. It is not so easy in the US though, in fact, my current landlord refuses to let me set up a composting system in my building.

And then I learned about counter composting, and am thinking about investing in some worms! It may sound less than attractive at first but it is actually quite simple - the worms eat the food waste, poop it out and you are left with a mineral rich soil for gardening....and hungry worms!

Try it, I will. Here are some resources and a video to help you get started.

the story of CAP and TRADE

Annie Leonard, who brought us the amazing animation 'Story of STUFF' has done it again. This time with 'The Story of CAP & TRADE.'

And keep an eye out for upcoming animations on bottled water and electronics, coming soon to The Story of Stuff Project website.

Image Credit: http://groups.gaia.com/ecc/conversations/view/437854